The other morning while scrolling TikTok, I saw a Reverse Harem (RH) book. Now, I can’t read RHs. I 100% support the authors who make those books, but it’s just not my thing. Then I asked myself why, and well, here’s my list (don’t judge me too harshly I had just woken up):
That’s just too many fluids and seems way too sticky.
I’m a naturally fluffy, warm lady. If I had to sleep in a bed with five other dudes, someone—honestly the majority of them—would not survive. I will absolutely not have my sleep compromised due to heat. That’s for the birds.
I appreciate a nice jealous, possessive guy, I do, but five of them? I don’t need that type of headache.
Whenever I hear people reading RHs, they always say something about how her head is one place, but her body and legs seem to be somewhere they shouldn’t be, and they can’t picture how that would work. While I appreciate flexibility and assistance in stretching, I’m not looking to be turned into a pretzel or a contortionist.
I love a good breeding kink, but again, with five guys? NO THANK YOU.
And lastly, normal harems wouldn’t work either. As a possessive woman of my husband, I can 100% confirm that the extra people would be used as fertilizer for my garden.
Now that I've hopefully made you laugh. On to the rest of the newsletter.
Writing news
The first draft of Night Fury is done! This book. That's all I can say is, this book! I am still stuck on Luke and Johanna and I finished the manuscript last week. I love them both so much and writing them separately, and as a couple, was a dumbfounding, hilarious, spicy, adventurous journey.
This book is bigger than Night Shade and was actually the first time I wrote a story that was character driven. Not only was that a new experience, but there were so many overall process changes with this book that it was just wild! Still, I'm so incredibly happy. I can't wait to get the manuscript back from my editor because that will mean I'm one step closer to getting it into your hands.
Someone had asked me before what Luke—the main character of Night Fury—would smell like. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure right away but then I went looking for colognes and I found the perfect one.
This scent apparently smells warm and spicy, and has hints of mint leaves, orange blossom, and vanilla. I think the name is also fitting for Luke because that boy is quite spicy and passionate.
But since we've done Luke, I think it's only fair to see what Greg would wear.
Doesn't this just feel like sophistication? Like the leader of a mafia family who sits at the head seat of the table and runs his whole kingdom? It matches Greg perfectly.
Book Recommendation
I read this book last night and it was amazing!
If you like a short, hot, monster romance between a succubus and a faerie who has extra arms and wings which are used during their night time play, give it a shot.